Agenda item

Review of Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing


The Senior Licensing Officer presented a report to seek members’ approval of the proposed changes to the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing.


Members were reminded that at the Licensing Regulatory Committee meeting held on 10 June 2010 the Licensing Manager produced a draft document that was intended to update the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing. The purpose of the update was to consolidate all information into one document which could then be issued to all licensed drivers, proprietors and operators. The document clarifies the rules and regulations for the benefit of drivers, operators and proprietors as well as licensing officers.


Following the meeting consultation with members of the trade took place and representations were received. Officers were of the opinion that while not all the points covered in the representations were relevant to the consultation there were four main points which were covered in the report.


Members considered a revised version of the document produced following consideration of the representations, a summary of the proposed amendments was also attached to the report.


Members asked questions regarding the proposed amendments and sought clarification on several points.


It was advised that should members be minded to approve the proposed amendments there would be implications for the next report on the agenda ‘Introduction of Livery for Hackney Carriage Vehicles’. If the 10 year age limit for licensed vehicles were removed from the guidelines this would have to be taken into account when considering the introduction of livery for hackney carriage vehicles.


Members were advised that should they be minded to approve the proposed amendments licensing officers would wish the policy to take effect immediately. It was acknowledged that some proprietors may have ordered vehicles that would not comply with the minimum specification, therefore, exceptions would be permitted where a proprietor was able to demonstrate that a vehicle was ordered before 6 September 2010.


It was proposed by Councillor Wade and seconded by Councillor Grenall:-


(1)             “That the proposed changes to the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposition to be carried.




(1)             That the proposed changes to the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing be approved.



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