Agenda item

Revenue Budget Update

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)


Report of Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) to follow.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) submitted a report updating Members on the Revenue Budget.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


The following options are available to Cabinet.


Savings and Efficiency Options


1                    Consider the savings and efficiency options included at Appendix A of the report for inclusion in the Cabinet’s draft list of recommendations, highlighting those that can be supported and those that may need further work.


2                    Consider the savings and efficiency options included at Appendix A of the report but offer no view at this stage on those for inclusion in the Cabinet’s draft list of recommendations


Preferred Option


The preferred option is option 1. This will ensure that officers are clear which options are to be considered further and those that require further work. This will also provide an on-going position summary of the savings and efficiencies position.


Shared Services


1                    Approve the creation of a shared, senior management structure as outlined in Appendix B of the report, and authorise officers to consult with vulnerable postholders and to liaise with Preston City Council to implement the arrangements as soon as practicable


2                    To agree an alternative approach


            Preferred Option


The preferred option is option 1. This will ensure that a shared service can be developed in a phased approach and affected staff consulted. It will enable a shared senior management structure to be established prior to further options being developed. This option will generate immediate savings for both councils.


Consultation Exercise


City Council Exercise


1.      endorse the planned programme of events as set out in Appendix C of the report for undertaking the consultation exercise on the 2010/11 budget proposals


2.      not to endorse the proposals and request officers to prepare other options for the consultation programme.


Preferred Option


The preferred option is option 1. This will ensure that officers can prepare for the consultation exercise in good time and maximise community engagement by organising the exhibitions and forums after the Christmas and New Year period.


County Council Exercise


1.      to consider the request from the County Council attached as Appendix D of the report on Cabinet’s preferred method for involvement in their budget consultation exercise and respond accordingly


2.      to consider the request from the County Council on Cabinet’s preferred method for involvement in their budget consultation exercise but  to offer no view at this stage


 Preferred Option


The preferred option is option 1.  This will ensure that the council can engage positively with the County Council in their budget exercise.


It was moved by Councillor Langhorn and seconded by Councillor Thomas:-


“(1)     That Cabinet notes the latest position in respect of identifying savings and efficiencies as set out in Appendix A to the report and that at this stage all options be retained for further consideration as the budget process progresses.


(2)     That Cabinet Members continue to meet with officers to review spending variances from outturn and Performance Review Team meetings and to identify further options for savings and efficiencies that could be considered at the November Cabinet meeting.


(3)      That Cabinet meet again informally to consider the messages from the Place Survey data presentation and to further review current spending allocations regarding Corporate Plan priorities and non-priorities.”


Councillor Mace then proposed and Councillor Langhorn seconded:-


(4)      That Cabinet approve the first phase of the establishment of a Revenues and Benefits Shared Services with Preston City Council on the basis highlighted in the report and Appendix B which would create a joint senior management structure as the first phase of the agreement.


It was moved by Councillor Langhorn and seconded by Councillor Ashworth:-


“(5)      That Cabinet endorse the schedule for the budget consultation exercise as set out in Appendix C of the report (as amended on 7th January to start the Morecambe Town Centre exhibition at 10.30am) and authorise officers to proceed accordingly.”


It was moved by Councillor Langhorn and seconded by Councillor Ashworth:-


“(6)      That the Leader of the Council liaises further with the Leader of the County Council on options for engaging further with the County Council in respect of their budget consultation proposals.

(7)      That, in respect of 6 above, Cabinet request the Budget and Performance Panel to invite the County Council to present their budget proposals to a future meeting of the Panel.”


Members voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That Cabinet notes the latest position in respect of identifying savings and efficiencies as set out in Appendix A to the report and that at this stage all options be retained for further consideration as the budget process progresses.


(2)     That Cabinet Members continue to meet with officers to review spending variances from outturn and Performance Review Team meetings and to identify further options for savings and efficiencies that could be considered at the November Cabinet meeting.


(3)      That Cabinet meet again informally to consider the messages from the Place Survey data presentation and to further review current spending allocations regarding Corporate Plan priorities and non-priorities.”


(4)        That Cabinet approve the first phase of the establishment of a Revenues and Benefits Shared Services with Preston City Council on the basis highlighted in the report and Appendix B which would create a joint senior management structure as the first phase of the agreement.


(5)        That Cabinet endorse the schedule for the budget consultation exercise as set out in Appendix C of the report (as amended on 7th January to start the Morecambe Town Centre exhibition at 10.30am) and authorise officers to proceed accordingly.”


(6)        That the Leader of the Council liaises further with the Leader of the County Council on options for engaging further with the County Council in respect of their budget consultation proposals.


(7)      That, in respect of 6 above, Cabinet request the Budget and Performance Panel to invite the County Council to present their budget proposals to a future meeting of the Panel.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Finance and Performance)

Head of Financial Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The Savings and Efficiencies Options decision will ensure that officers are clear which options are to be considered further and those that require further work. This will also provide an on-going position summary of the savings and efficiencies position.


The Shared Services decision will ensure that a shared service can be developed in a phased approach and affected staff consulted. It will enable a shared senior management structure to be established prior to further options being developed. This option will generate immediate savings for both councils.


The Budget Consultation decision will ensure that officers can prepare for the consultation exercise in good time and maximise community engagement by organising the exhibitions and forums after the Christmas and New Year period.


The County Council exercise will ensure that the council can engage positively with the County Council in their budget exercise.


Supporting documents: