Agenda item

Support to Morecambe Parish Council

To consider the report of the Chief Executive.


Further to Minute No. 108, Members considered a report of the Chief Executive which set out a number of issues raised by the Morecambe Town Council Working Group during their consideration of the potential future operation of the new Parish Council and which required a decision by the City Council.


These included a request to allow the Parish Council to meet free of charge in Morecambe Town Hall, to provide some clerical and administrative support to the new Parish Council and to retain the precept income until such time as the elected Parish Council can establish a bank account.


In addition it was reported that the proposed budget for the Parish Council included sufficient funding to allow for the provision of PCSOs in the Parish and Members were asked to consider how the City Council could assist in managing this process.


Options for each issue were set out in the report and it was agreed to take each section separately.


In relation to the use of Morecambe Town Hall it was moved by Councillor Archer and seconded by Councillor Kerr:  


‘That the City Council allow Morecambe Parish Council free use of Morecambe Town Hall for its meetings.’


Following a short debate, it was moved by Councillor Fletcher and seconded by Councillor Heath by way of an amendment:


‘That the City Council allow Morecambe Parish Council free use of Morecambe Town Hall for its meetings for 2009/10 pending the outcome of a planned review of room hire charges.’


With the agreement of the meeting and her seconder, Councillor Archer accepted this as a friendly amendment.


There followed a further short debate and it was then moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Charles:


 ‘That the City Council charge Morecambe Parish Council for the use of Morecambe Town Hall.’


There followed a further lengthy debate at the conclusion of which 22 Members voted for the amendment, 18 against and 3 abstained, whereupon the Mayor declared the amendment carried.


A vote was then taken on the substantive motion as amended when 25 Members voted for, 16 against and 2 abstained whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.


In relation to the provision of clerical assistance, option 1 as set out in the report was moved by Councillor Archer and seconded by Councillor Kerr.  On being put to the vote the Mayor declared the proposition clearly carried.


In relation to the retention of the precept income, option 1 as set out in the report was moved by Councillor Archer and seconded by Councillor Kerr.  On being put to the vote the Mayor declared the proposition clearly carried.

In relation to the employment of PCSOs in Morecambe, option 1 as set out in the report was moved by Councillor Archer and seconded by Councillor Kerr.  On being put to the vote the Mayor declared the proposition clearly carried.




(1)     That the City Council charge Morecambe Parish Council for the use of         Morecambe Town Hall.


(2)     That the City Council provide clerical support to the new Parish Council for the first three months from 1st April 2009 until after the election and the Annual Meeting, at a cost to be determined by the Chief Executive to reflect the actual cost to the City council of any work carried out in support of the Parish Council.


(3)     That, with the agreement of the Shadow Morecambe Parish Council, the City Council retain the precept income until such time as the new Parish Council has established a bank account.  No interest would be payable.


(4)     That the City Council agree to retain the PCSOs beyond 31st March, 2009 and as soon as possible after 1st April the Shadow Morecambe Town Council be requested to make a decision as to whether they wish to fund the PCSOs to 30th June at a cost of £11,000 (to enable the elected Parish Council to take the decision for the period after that date).

Supporting documents: