Agenda item

Grounds Maintenance - options for service reduction

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Barry)


Report of the Corporate Director (Community Services).



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Barry)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report providing Cabinet with options for service reduction in the area of grounds maintenance.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


The options are as follows-








Maintain current levels of service provision.

·         Targets for LAA and corporate plan assume current levels of service.

·         Will maintain the current level of cleanliness of streets and public spaces.

·         Does not generate any savings for 2009/2010 budget.


Reduce current levels of service provision through selection of some of or all of the sub- options set out below.

·         Generates savings for 2009/2010 budget

·         The options have been designed to be realistic and can be immediately implemented.

·         The options have been designed so that they do not impact on the District’s parks.

·         Savings will be very visible

·         Will generate ongoing complaints from residents / visitors / users.

·         Likely to have negative impact on corporate plan priority outcomes and targets in LAA


The sub- options for option 2 are as follows-


Sub - option

Description and officer comments

Saving per annum


Cease over marking of football pitches- currently pitches are over marked 15 times per season. They would be marked only once at the beginning of the season.

Users of the pitches will consider this is something they contribute to via pitch fees.



Turf over 33 of the 37 flower beds in Harbour garden area of Morecambe promenade- regeneration work is taking place in the adjoining area. The flower beds are in need of some redesign.



Turf over all flower beds in the sunken gardens at Morecambe Town Hall- the flower beds are a long standing and popular feature. They are not visible from the main road.



Turf over all 4 flower beds in the oval gardens in Dalton Square- the flower beds are a long standing and popular feature.



Reduce the playground improvement revenue budget by 50%- this budget is used to repair/ replace broken playground equipment throughout the year. If the budget was reduced the remaining amount would be spent on a priority basis (using playground priority list). Equipment in playgrounds lower down in the priority list would be removed once damaged / broken.



Reduce number of grave plots that are mown on a regular basis in Lancaster cemetery- currently all areas are mown 16 times per year. If the budget was approximately 50% of the plots would only be mown once per year.




Reduce frequency of mowing on Broadway Bridge bankings to once per year- currently these bankings are cut 16 times per year. The area would be included on a more frequent litter picking schedule if this option was selected.



The officer preferred option is option 2 with the exception of 2a.


It was moved by Councillor Barry and seconded by Councillor Fletcher:-


“(1)      That, from the list of savings described in 2a-2g of the report, only 2f (reduction in mowing at Lancaster Cemetery) and 2g (Reduce frequency of mowing on Broadway Bridge bankings to once per year) are taken through as budgetary savings.”


Members then voted as follows:-




(6 Members (Councillors Archer, Barry, Blamire, Bryning, Fletcher and Gilbert) voted in favour and 2 Members (Councillors Charles and Mace) voted against.)


(Councillor Kerr was not present when the vote was taken.)


(1)        That, from the list of savings described 2a-2g of the report only 2f (reduction in mowing at Lancaster Cemetery) and 2g (Reduce frequency of mowing on Broadway Bridge bankings to once per year) are taken through as budgetary savings.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Community Services)

Head of City Council (Direct) Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision can be quickly implemented and generate savings.

Supporting documents: