Issue - meetings

Allocation of Seats to Political Groups

Meeting: 15/05/2017 - Council (Item 11)

11 Allocation of Seats to Political Groups pdf icon PDF 286 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive has submitted a report to advise Council of the Proportional Representation (PR) calculations relating to the allocation of seats in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Council’s agreed protocol, as required at the annual meeting.


The Democratic Services Manager responded to Members’ questions.


Councillor Brookes proposed, seconded by Councillor Clifford:


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


There was no debate and the proposition was clearly carried when put to the vote.


The Mayor noted that the necessary adjustments which had just been approved would be dealt with later in the agenda, when appointing Committee members. (Minute numbers 14 and 15 refer.)




(1)          That in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act, 1989 and Part 4 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations, 1990, the calculations and allocation of seats set out in Appendices B and C of the report, be approved.


(2)          That the adjustments required to the Grouping of Committees, detailed in paragraph 3 and Appendix C of the report, with the passing over of one seat on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Budget and Performance Panel from the Labour Group to the Green group, be approved.