Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/03/2009 - Council (Item 113)



The Monitoring Officer reminded Members of the requirements of the Code of Conduct in relation to declaring an interest where a Councillor is a member of an outside body and the circumstances under which this would be a prejudicial interest and they would be required to leave the meeting.


Members advised of the following declarations of interest at this stage in relation to items referred to in the revenue budget proposals (Minute No 119 refers):


Councillors Keith Budden and Joyce Pritchard declared personal and prejudicial interests as representatives on the Lune Valley Transport Board.


Councillors June Ashworth and John Barnes declared personal and prejudicial interests in relation to the Morecambe Citizens Advice Bureau as Trustees.


Councillors June Ashworth, Jim Blakely, Jane Fletcher, Ron Sands and Malcolm Thomas declared personal and prejudicial interests in the Dukes Theatre as Directors on the Board.


Councillors Susie Charles, John Gilbert, Sylvia Rogerson, Roger Sherlock and Jude Towers declared personal and prejudicial interests in relation to the Lancaster Citizens Advice Bureau as Trustees.


Councillors Sheila Denwood and Geoff Knight declared personal and prejudicial interests in relation to the Lancaster International Twinning Society as members of the Committee.


Councillors Stuart Langhorn and Joyce Pritchard declared personal interests as members of Caton Parish Council in relation to the Victoria Institute toilets.


Councillors Eileen Blamire, Shirley Burns and Joyce Pritchard declared personal and prejudicial interests in relation to Williamson Park as Directors on the Board.


Councillor Sarah Fishwick declared a personal interest in relation to Salt Ayre as she has a relative employed there.


Councillor Jude Towers declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the LVWA as a member of the Board.


Councillor Jane Fletcher declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Arnside & Silverdale AONB as a member of the Committee.