Decision details

Changes to Council Housing Tenancy Agreement

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Warriner)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Health & Housing) which sought Cabinet approval to make changes to the Council Housing Tenancy Agreement relating to secure and introductory tenants


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: Do nothing – continue with the existing tenancy agreement

Option 2: Cabinet approves the proposal to revise the  tenancy agreement 


Simplicity of continuation. Marginal cost savings

The tenancy agreement is updated to ensure that it meets current standards and requirements, and it fit for purpose.


The tenancy agreement remains an effective management tool.


The existing tenancy agreement does not reflect current standards and requirements.

Marginal costs of implementation.


The tenancy agreement will not be wholly fit for purpose as an effective management tool.

The Office of Fair Trading publication on unfair terms in tenancy agreements has been referred to throughout this process. This approach will help minimise risk relating to the robustness of the content of the new agreement.


The Officer preferred option is Option 2 for the reasons set out above.  The need has been identified for the Council to review its tenancy agreement to ensure that the agreement remains fit for purpose and can be used as an effective management tool. The agreement has also been updated to ensure that it meets tenant expectations in terms of clarity and understanding.


Councillor Warriner proposed, seconded by Councillor Pattison:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)             That the proposed changes to the Tenancy Agreement be approved.


(2)             That the Principal Housing Manager be authorised to consult with tenants regarding the proposed changes to the Tenancy Agreement, and to serve the necessary preliminary notice of variation.

(3)             That a further report be brought to Members following the completion of the consultation process.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Health & Housing)


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is consistent with the City Council’s Corporate Plan, supporting the Council’s objectives to deliver value for money, customer focussed services and support sustainable communities.


Publication date: 27/03/2018

Date of decision: 20/03/2018

Decided at meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 06/04/2018

Accompanying Documents: