Issue - meetings

Review of Parliamentary Constituencies

Meeting: 28/09/2016 - Council (Item 46)

46 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies pdf icon PDF 286 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive submitted a report in order that Council might consider the method of responding to the Boundary Commission for England’s Review of Parliamentary Constituencies.


Councillor Metcalfe proposed, seconded by Councillor Armstrong:


“That Option B, (to make a written response as a Council on the administrative issues that arise delivering elections on the proposed boundaries) be approved.


Councillor Metcalfe and her seconder clarified their intention that the written response be agreed by Council Business Committee.


By way of an amendment, Councillor Peter Williamson proposed, seconded by Councillor Edwards:


“That Option A, (not to make a response at all as a Council but leave it to political groups and individual Councillors to respond as they wish and for the Returning Officer to respond on the practicalities of the proposals for administering elections) be approved.”


After a short debate Members voted on the amendment.  17 Members voted for the amendment whereupon the Mayor declared the amendment to be lost.


Members then voted on the original proposition. 35 Members voted in favour of the original proposition, whereupon the Mayor declared the original proposition to be carried.


It was noted that political groups and individual Councillors could make their own responses as they wished.




(1)          That Option B, (to make a written response as a Council on the administrative issues that arise delivering elections on the proposed boundaries) be approved.


(2)          That Council Business Committee be the body authorised to agree the response.