Issue - decisions

Land at Aalborg Square, Lancaster

06/07/2009 - Land at Aalborg Square, Lancaster

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report asking Cabinet to consider the potential disposal of land at Aalborg Square, Lancaster, to facilitate an extension of the courts building.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1 is to approve the principle of disposal of the land at Aalborg Square to the Courts Service for the extension of the courts building that would facilitate the vacation of that part of Lancaster Castle currently occupied by the court. This would allow the potential to expand the tourism opportunities afforded by the Castle. In this option the powers granted under the General Disposal Consent could be utilised which may not result in the full value of the site being received by the Council but the economic benefits of the Courts Service vacating the Castle are considered to balance this lost. The opportunity exists for the District Valuer to undertake a valuation that would accord with the requirements of the General Disposal Consent and the requirements of the special purchaser provisions in the Council’s Disposal Strategy. In disposing of the land there would be a loss of an open space in the Lancaster along with a minimal reduction of maintenance responsibilities. 


Option 2 is to consider the disposal of land at Aalborg Square but only at market value. This carries the risk that the Courts Service would take the view that it would not proceed with the development – a point that has been made during negotiations. In such circumstances, the opportunity to obtain the benefits of possession of Lancaster Castle for tourism may be lost. In disposing of the land there would be a loss of an open space in the Lancaster along with a minimal reduction of maintenance responsibilities.


Option 3 is not to consider the disposal of the land at Aalborg Square. This would result in the Council retaining the land which is an open space. However, the opportunity to obtain the benefits of possession of Lancaster Castle for tourism would be lost.


The Officer preferred option is option 1 because this allows the retention of the Courts facilities in Lancaster along with releasing the tourism potential of that part of the Castle currently occupied by the Courts.


It was moved by Councillor Thomas and seconded by Councillor Mace:-


“(1)         That the Council approves the principle of the disposal of land at Aalborg Square, Lancaster, subject to a further report which should clearly show the alternative option of building at the rear of the magistrate’s court.  


(2)                     That the District Valuer be appointed to determine the valuation of the site in accordance with the Council’s Disposal Strategy, and the General Disposal Consent.” 


Members then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That the Council approves the principle of the disposal of land at Aalborg Square, Lancaster, subject to a further report which should clearly show the alternative option of building at the rear of the magistrate’s court.


(2)               That the District Valuer be appointed to determine the valuation of the site in accordance with the Council’s Disposal Strategy, and the General Disposal Consent.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Property Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision has been made ‘in principle’ to allow Cabinet to receive information which it considers necessary before considering the matter further.