Agenda item

Revocation of Animal Activities Licences

Report of the Director of Communities and the Environment.



The Committee received the report of the Director of Communities and the Environment for the purpose of determining the Revocation of and Animal Activities Licences.


Whilst the press and public were excluded from the meeting the Monitoring Officer determined that there was a public interest in publishing the decision notice following the Licensing Committee’s consideration of the item.


Details of the individual case and the Chair’s summary of the decision are attached to the Minutes.


Decision of the Committee:


(1)             That all the Licences held by Mr Jayousi, because of finding that the general conditions of the licence have been breached, as detailed above be varied as follows

a.     dogs under 1 year old are to be kept separate from other dogs

b.     stock dogs and boarding dogs are not to be mixed with day care dogs

(2)             Renewal of Mr Jayousi’s Licences are to go to Committee for determination

(3)             Warning letter be sent to Mr Jayousi

(4)             Over the next 12 months officers are to make an unannounced visit of Herenswood every three months to ensure that the licensing conditions are being complied with.


Supporting documents: