Agenda item

Economic Re-opening Recovery and Renewal Framework

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Heath)


Report of Director for Economic Growth and Regeneration


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Heath)


Cabinet received a report from the Director for Economic Growth & Regeneration and were asked to consider a draft Economic Reopening, Recovery and Renewal Framework. The framework provided a broad approach that was intended to form the basis of the council’s support for the economy following the COVID pandemic, covering the short, medium and longer term.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Approve the Economic Reopening, Recovery and Renewal Framework


· Provides clarity and momentum to help drive the council’s approach economic recovery.

· Provides an opportunity to maintain a strategic overview of economic recovery activities and impact in the district.

· Offers an informed approach to help determine priorities over time.

· Facilitates delivery of clear economic, social and environmental benefits.

· The overall impact of all activities within the framework can be monitored.

· Offers flexibility and adaptability to allow the council to take account of emerging circumstances and new opportunities.

· Supports access to external funding resources.

· Provides an engaged approach that takes account of business needs.

 · Strengthens partnership working across the district and the subregion.

· Helps to combine resources across partnership organisations in the district, creating increased value for money and adding value overall.




No direct risks as a result of the framework but risks for individual activities and projects will be considered as part of normal decision making.

Option 2: Do not approve the Economic Reopening, Recovery and Renewal Framework




· A strong focus on economic recovery and delivery of associated economic benefits will be undermined.

· The council’s approach to economic recovery will be unclear both within the council and externally.

· It will be significantly more difficult to monitor the overall impact of the council’s economic recovery activities.

· Potential to combine resources effectively with economic partners could be reduced. · Opportunity to build on the current very high levels of business engagement will be undermined.


· Potential loss of external funding particularly for key recovery and renewal projects and initiatives, due to the council not having an agreed approach in place.


As a result of questions, the following suggestions were made:

·        The bullet point in relation to ‘Green transport improvements’ within the Building a big, green and sustainable future priority be re-written;

·        The role of community wealth building be expanded within the framework.

·        That the COVID impact study be circulated to Cabinet when available.


Councillor Heath proposed, seconded by Councillor Hamilton-Cox:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)  That the Economic Reopening, Recovery and Renewal Framework be approved as the basis of the council’s support for the economy following the COVID pandemic.


(2)  That Cabinet notes that specific projects and actions within the framework are subject to the council’s normal decision making and governance processes.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Director for Economic Growth & Regeneration


Reasons for making the decision:


The proposed framework is consistent with the council’s policy framework and agreed Principles, Ambitions and Outcomes.  The framework is pragmatic and flexible and will allow for both proactive and responsive support bearing in mind local needs and opportunities. Decisions relating to any specific actions or projects will be managed within the council’s normal governance arrangements, taking into account resource implications in the usual way. An important principle behind the Framework is partnership working at the local and subregional level, which enables an informed and holistic approach, brings together joint resources around shared priorities and supports strong engagement at all levels.

Supporting documents: