Agenda item

Delivering our Priorities

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Caroline Jackson)


Report of Director of Corporate Services (report published on 13 September 2021)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Caroline Jackson)


Cabinet received a report from the Director of Corporate Services which provided an update on the progress of key corporate projects and performance measures for the period April -  June 2021 (Quarter 1). A revised version of the Corporate programmes, projects and performance update was circulated at the meeting.


As the report was for noting and comments no options were provided.  The report provided information with regard to financial monitoring, COVID19, General Fund Summary Position, Housing Revenue Account Summary Position, Capital Projects (General Fund & HRA), Reserves, and Collection Fund with detailed financial appendices appended to the report.


Clarification was requested with regard to the financial responsibility for the Community Pump referred to in the Lune Flood Protection project at Caton Road along with a further update on Morecambe Co-op; and Cabinet agreed to consider the revised project report in more detail at a subsequent Cabinet briefing.



It was proposed by Councillor Jackson, seconded by Councillor Hamilton-Cox and resolved unanimously:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)   That the updates on projects, performance and finance measures from April-June 2021 (Q1) be noted.



Reasons for making the decision:


Robust, meaningful, and timely information on the council’s key projects and success measures provides an important perspective on the direction of the organisation in delivering its strategic priorities under its Policy Framework.

Supporting documents: