Agenda item

Appointments to outside bodies, partnerships and boards

Report of the Head of Democratic Services.


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report to allow Council to consider its appointments to outside bodes, partnerships and boards. Several vacancies were detailed in the report and all current appointments were listed in an appendix.


The Mayor noted that the list of current appointments showed Councillor Frea as the Councillor appointed to the Forest of Bowland AONB. This was factually incorrect. Councillor Pritchard was the current appointment to that body.


Councillor Knight, seconded by Councillor Brookes proposed:


“That, subject to the correction of the error regarding Forest of Bowland AONB noted in these minutes, and the inclusion of any appointments made to the vacancies shown, the appointments to outside bodies as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, be re-confirmed.”


This proposition was clearly carried when put to the vote.


The Mayor then focussed Council’s attention on appointing to the vacant places.


Councillor Duggan nominated Councillor Yates for the vacant place on the Furness Line Community Partnership. Councillor Guilding seconded the nomination. Councillor Robinson then nominated Councillor Bryning and that nomination was seconded by Councillor Biddulph. A vote was taken and, with a majority of 32 voting for Councillor Yates, the Mayor declared Councillor Yates appointed to the Furness Line Community Partnership.


There were no nominations for Relate Lancashire – Lancaster District. The vacancy remained unfilled.


Councillor Robinson nominated Councillor Wood for the vacant seat on the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council. Councillor Matthews nominated Councillor Geoff Knight, seconded by Councillor Dennison. At this point, Councillor Wood withdrew and Councillor Geoff Knight was appointed to the vacant seat on the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council.


Councillor Dant was nominated by Councillor Caroline Jackson to be considered for a Trustee position with the North Lancashire Citizens Advice Bureaux Board. There were no further nominations.


Recommendation (4) of the report related to a place on the Police and Crime Panel, administered by Blackburn with Darwen Council. It was noted that no appointment could be made at this stage as the Cabinet Member for Community Safety was not yet known, and the political balance on the Panel, which was based on the political balance across Lancashire, may also have an impact on the City Council’s appointment.


Councillor Dowding then proposed recommendation (5) as set out in the report, to confirm that all appointments made or re-confirmed at this meeting would extend until the next City Council elections in 2023. This proposition was seconded by Councillor Budden and clearly carried.




(1)           That, subject to the correction of the error regarding Forest of Bowland AONB noted in these minutes, and the inclusion of any appointments made to the vacancies shown, the appointments to outside bodies as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, be re-confirmed.


(2)       That Councillor Yates be appointed to the Furness Line Community Partnership.


(3)       That Councillor Geoff Knight be appointed to the vacant seat on the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council.


(4)       That Councillor Dant’s name be put forward to the North Lancashire Citizens Advice Bureaux Board for consideration as a Trustee. 


(5)       That all appointments made or re-confirmed at this meeting would extend until the next City Council elections in 2023.


The full list of appointments is appended to the minutes.



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