Agenda item

Allotments - Future Leasing Arrangements

Report of the Head of Corporate Strategy.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)


Councillor Emily Heath presented the referral report from Overview and Scrutiny seeking Cabinet’s support to the recommendations of the Allotments Task Group regarding future allotment management arrangements.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


To accept the recommendations (Option 3A as set out below) of Overview and Scrutiny:-


Option 3a - Partnership with Council (Peppercorn rent)






·         Capital to improve basic infrastructure at allotment sites (initially 5 year programme is recommended).

·         Strategic oversight of allotments

·         Agreement with allotment associations as to priorities for officer time allocated to allotments

·         Allotment sites provided at peppercorn rent to allotment associations

·         Provides support in practical ways (e.g., insurance, access to compost, grass cutting, waste management etc)

·         Review infrastructure needs on an annual basis and feed into capital programme


Allotment associations


·         Self manage allotment sites on a day to day basis

·         Seek external funding opportunities for their allotment sites

·         Continue to contribute to Council priorities




·         Represent allotment associations when dealing with Council

·         Seek external funding for allotment development





Allotment associations

·         Continue to self manage allotments

·         Will continue to charge same level of rent to plot holders but will have a far greater amount to spend on day to day management and admin of the allotment site

·         Site infrastructure will be improved at the sites that need it which will encourage demand

·         Increased investment will raise morale of allotment association volunteers

·         Officer time utilised in way that meets agreed needs

·         Capital investment by Council may help attract some external funding

·         No guarantee that this model would encourage the participation of plot holders in wider site management issues


·         Management and administration of allotments is devolved to associations

·         Officer time utilised in way that meets agreed needs

·         Increased capital and revenue requirement is still an invest to save option when compared with costs of directly managing allotments

·         Capital funding by Council may help attract external capital funding

·         Need for capital investment in region of £80,000 over next 5 years


·         Reduction in revenue income


To not accept the recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny.


To make alternative proposals to those recommended by Overview and Scrutiny.


The key risk to consider is associated with the allotment associations’ stated positions in giving up their leases if changes are not made.  This should be considered and balanced against future demand for allotments, and any prospects for potential alternative lessees.


Preferred Option (and comments)


To accept the recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny – i.e. the adoption of Option 3A as the Council’s future approach to the management of allotments. The principal eIements of this option are the future provision of allotments at a peppercorn rent and the provision of an estimated £80,000 of capital investment over a 5 year period in improving the basic infrastructure of allotment sites.   In recognition of these points, the Council’s financial position and competing needs and priorities, the preferred option is that such growth be considered as part of Cabinet’s budget proposals.  Whilst this would mean that a final decision is not taken until Budget Council in March, it is felt that this would be manageable.


This option would involve the development of new lease arrangements that reflect the Council’s position to view allotments as essential community resources, not simply as property assets.


There is existing staffing capacity to both manage the proposed capital programme, negotiate new lease arrangements and maintain ongoing liaison with both ALMA and the allotment associations. The new lease arrangements will develop the capacity of the allotment associations to manage and maintain their allotment sites thus releasing the Council to redirect resources elsewhere to deliver its priorities.


It was moved by Councillor Langhorn and seconded by Councillor Blamire:-


(1)          That a standard lease be developed that reflects the Council’s position to view allotments as essential community resources, not simply as property assets, and accordingly allotment sites be provided at peppercorn rent to allotment associations (as set out in Option 3A of the Overview and Scrutiny Allotments Task Group report).


(2)         That provision be made for capital funding estimated at £80,000 over the next 5 years to improve basic infrastructure at allotment sites and the associated capital and revenue growth bids be taken forward for consideration as part of Cabinet's budget proposals.


(3)          That the Overview and Scrutiny Review and Audit of Parish Council Funding Task Group be requested to include in its report consideration of how non-parished allotments might be funded by special expenses and that any recommendationbe included in the budget consultation exercise.


(4)        That it be noted that the Allotments Task Group has discussed a draft Allotments Strategy and further consideration of the adoption of this Strategy be given on receipt of the Task Group’s final report.”


Members then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)          That a standard lease be developed that reflects the Council’s position to view allotments as essential community resources, not simply as property assets, and accordingly allotment sites be provided at peppercorn rent to allotment associations (as set out in Option 3A of the Overview and Scrutiny Allotments Task Group report).


(2)          That provision be made for capital funding estimated at £80,000 over the next 5 years to improve basic infrastructure at allotment sites and the associated capital and revenue growth bids be taken forward for consideration as part of Cabinet's budget proposals.


(3)          That the Overview and Scrutiny Review and Audit of Parish Council Funding Task Group be requested to include in its report consideration of how non-parished allotments might be funded by special expenses and that any recommendationbe included in the budget consultation exercise.


(4)        That it be noted that the Allotments Task Group has discussed a draft Allotments Strategy and further consideration of the adoption of this Strategy be given on receipt of the Task Group’s final report.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Finance and Performance)

Head of Democratic Services

Head of Corporate Strategy

Head of Financial Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The extension of the current lease arrangements for a further year from April 2009 provides the Council with an opportunity to consider future management of allotments in line with Council policy which views allotments as essential community resources and not simply as property assets.

Supporting documents: