Agenda item

Harbour Band Arena

Report of Corporate Director (Regeneration).


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Archer)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report seeking authority to use Northwest Development Agency funds to deliver a regeneration project to clear the Harbour Band Arena adjacent the Midland Hotel and lay it out as open space for the amenity of the public.


The options and options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:




This is to accept the NWDA funding offer and to undertake the works as soon as possible.  It utilises existing expertise in the Council’s Engineering team who have vast experience of undertaking works on Morecambe seafront. There are certain financial risks to the Council given that any expenditure in excess of the NWDA maximum sum would need to be met by the Council. The Head of Planning Services is, however, confident the Engineering Team can manage the project so the risks are properly mitigated and that the project will achieve value for money.


To not accept the NWDA funding offer and therefore to not deliver the project.




Option 1 removes factors that worsen peoples’ experience and enjoyment of both the Midland hotel and the Stone Jetty and helps maximise the positive impact of the Midland Hotel on investment in central Morecambe. Option 2 poses no direct risks to the Council but would be to pass up a significant opportunity to deliver a project that would secure real environmental improvements at, potentially, no costs to the Council. It would mean the condition of the old fairground site would continue to impact negatively on peoples’ experiences and impressions and could only impair both the ongoing viability of the Midland hotel business and perceptions of the town more generally including those of potential investors.  This potentially puts at risk further investment in central Morecambe and undermines other regeneration schemes. How long the Harbour Band Arena would otherwise continue in its present eyesore condition is open to question. There is of course a prospect that Urban Splash can bring forward its proposed CPA redevelopment relatively quickly and, as part of this deliver Seaside Square but there is also significant chance that this scenario may not materialise. Whatever, this option would leave a prominent eyesore in place for a longer period than as per option 1 with the consequential problems as identified in this report.


To deliver the project as per Option 1 offers the Council an excellent opportunity to remedy a long-standing environmental problem, support the Midland Hotel and help sustain the regeneration of the town. Given the NWDA financial support this option offers real value for money to the Council.


Councillor Burns proposed and Councillor Archer seconded:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Members then voted as follows:


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Cabinet authorises the Corporate Director (Regeneration) to deliver a project to clear the Harbour Band Arena and lay it out as open space for the amenity of the public.


(2)        That Cabinet authorises the Head of Financial Services to revise the Capital Fund General Programme as appropriate to provide for this project subject to there being nil additional capital or revenue implications for the Council.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Planning and Building Control

Head of Financial Services


Reason for making the decision:


The decision provides the Council with an excellent opportunity to remedy a long-standing environmental problem, support the Midland Hotel and help sustain the regeneration of the town. Given the NWDA financial support this option offers real value for money to the Council.

Supporting documents: