Issue - meetings

Lancaster Square Routes

Meeting: 06/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Lancaster Square Routes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Report of Head of Regeneration and Policy

Additional documents:


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Regeneration and
Policy t
o review the Cabinet decision of 6 December 2009 with regard to keeping all existing trees within Market Square (minute 95, 1) refers.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:





Option 1: Further adjust the proposed design layout by siting the “platform” further into the square and reducing the area of the “carpet” at the eastern end

Works can go ahead


Keeps all existing trees in the square as per the previous Cabinet decision.

A compromised layout that restricts space for a better market layout and constrains suitability for staging events


Option 2: Authorise removal of tree D and implement the design improvements planned

Works can go ahead to improve the central part of the square consistent with the design presented to Cabinet in December 2009.

Therefore gives significant improvements and potentials for multiple and flexible use of the square, for seating and passive recreation and for the market and staging events.

Loss of tree D.

Removal of the single tree makes the number of trees on the north and south sides of the square unbalanced and asymmetrical.

Option 3: Authorise removal of both tree D and tree H

As for option 2 but removal of tree H at the same time will also -


optimise the effectiveness of the new lighting scheme in this corner of the square  that presently attracts anti-social activity;


open up the opportunity for street café use in this corner of the Square as per the Gillespie’s design ambition


reveal Anchor Lane better

mean there are three trees at  both sides of the Square

Loss of trees D and H


Option 4: Undertake a more fundamental review


The project now proposed is devised after extensive consultations and review will unravel that consensus achieved to date.

Would make abortive much of the time and cost inputs to date.

Would involve significant time delay and new costs in design and additional consultation for which there is no financing.


Option 1 had disadvantages that compromised and restricted how Market Square could be used for different uses. These could be read as risks also. Options 2 and 3 had no risks. Option 4 gave high risk that the council could not begin to improve the square at a difficult economic time when the improvement should help support and sustain the city centre.


Option 1 adhered to the previous Cabinet decision but would mean that the re- design of the square was less accommodating and beneficial for the outdoor market than it should be, was restricting for the staging of events and less advantageous for general pedestrian circulation and enjoyment than it should be. Options 2 and 3 involved tree loss but enabled the adjusted project design to be implemented largely as planned.  Option 3 was the preferred officer option and had significant additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35